Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Tyrans were a humanoid species native to Tyrus VII in the Tyran system in the Alpha Quadrant.


The Tyrans were a humanoid species with a distinctive physical feature of ridges on their foreheads. These ridges were likely a result of their biology, possibly related to their bone structure or musculature. It is unknown if these ridges had any practical purpose or were purely aesthetic. Aside from their forehead ridges, little else is known about the physical characteristics of the Tyrans.


During the 2360s, the Tyrans were involved in an experimental mining technology, known as a particle fountain, which was tested on the Tyran moon, Tyrus VIIA. The project was spearheaded by Doctor Farallon.

The Tyrans particle fountain, which operated from aboard the Tyrus VIIA station, was a new mining technology completely unlike any existing mining technology. To explore the possibilities, the project was started which Dr. Farallon supervised. A few years before field testing commenced, she experimented with modified industrial servo mechanisms which she called exocomps. The devices not only replicate tools, but had problem-solving capabilities. She thought these would help to complete the project more quickly.

In 2369 Dr. Farallon assisted Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge of the starship USS Enterprise-D to perform an evaluation of the particle fountain technology. The Starfleet was interested to use a particle fountain on Carema III. When there were problems with the new mining system, Farallon used the Exocomps to repair the mining systems. Data discovered the exocomps were sentient. At first Farallon refused to believe Data, but after it was determined that they were, she agreed not to exploit the exocomps. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

Tyrans also lived on the planet Khefka IV. (DS9: "Invasive Procedures")

A Tyran woman named Mareel who hailed from Khefka IV fell in love with a Trill named Verad after they met while working in an accommodation house on her planet. She assisted Verad in his plan to steal the Dax symbiont from Jadzia Dax in 2370, but eventually realized that Verad had changed and lied to her. With the help of Benjamin Sisko, Mareel agreed to help rescue the symbiont and convinced Verad to return it. She reassured Verad that she would always be with him after the ordeal.(DS9: "Invasive Procedures")


The particle fountain was an experimental mining technology that was tested on Tyrus VIIA. It was created by Doctor Farallon and her team, with input from Tyrans.

The team also created the Exocomp, adaptive tools used for maintenance purposes. The exocomps were able to replicate tools, learn and adapt to their environment using artificial intelligence, and even had the ability to randomly generate new pathways, which ultimately led to a total shutdown. The exocomps were first used to accelerate progress on the particle fountain project, but an exocomp's unusual behavior led to further investigation by Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

