Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Sol, a typical yellow dwarf.

A yellow dwarf is a classification of star which is undergoing hydrogen-helium conversion. Sol was a well-known yellow dwarf star.

In 2356, Magnus and Erin Hansen crashlanded their ship, the USS Raven on an M-class moon orbiting the fifth planet of a yellow dwarf located in B'omar space. (VOY: "The Raven")

On stardate 49485.2 the USS Voyager vistited Hemikek IV, a planet in the Hemikek yellow dwarf star system (VOY: "Investigations").

The planet dubbed "New Earth" by the crew of the USS Voyager orbits a yellow dwarf as the third of seven planets. (VOY: "Resolutions")

Similarly, the planet Mislen is located within a yellow dwarf star system. (VOY: "The Swarm")

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