Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Xyrillian starship

Xyrillian ship

Xyrillian ship interior

The interior of a Xyrillian ship

Xyrillian holodeck

A Xyrillian holographic environment

Xyrillian ships were a type of starship utilized by the Xyrillians during the mid-22nd century. The ships had a tapering main hull with four nacelles, two on horizontal and two on the vertical trailing arms, with an apparent sensor array mounted between them.

Xyrillian ships are partly organic in nature and the atmosphere is recycled by grass growing on the floor of their ships. They also contain tanks which store 'aquatic lifeforms'. The vessels were equipped with advanced stealth technology and holotechnology based on resequenced photons capable of projecting realistic scenery but not interactive characters, although far in advance of Human science of the time.

In 2151, the Enterprise NX-01 discovered a Xyrillian ship hiding within the warp field of the Enterprise. Restricting the flow of the plasma exhausts, it caused various power drops and surges on the Enterprise. Using stealth technology, the crew were seeking to use Enterprise's plasma wake to power their engines, their plasma coils having failed.

Upon the discovery of the Xyrillian ship, Charles Tucker offered his assistance but found the different atmosphere within the ship difficult to adjust to. Ah'len, a Xyrillian crew member, demonstrated to him their astounding holotechnology. This particular ship was commanded by a Captain Trena'L. (ENT: "Unexpected")
