Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Star paperback edition
Author(s): John Townsley
Pages: 109 (UK)
112 (US)
Published: 1984 (UK)
1988 (US)
Publisher: April Publications (UK)
Star (US)
Reference #: ASIN B00072X8VY
April Publications edition


From the back cover
To boldly go where no man has gone before...
Apart from the first two pilots, all 79 Star Trek episodes were filmed within three years, between 1966 and 1969 – not a long production life for what would become the world's No. 1 Science Fiction TV series. Now, almost 25 years after it all began, repeats of the TV series are still shown regularly all over the world and four full-length feature films have proved the timeless popularity of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise.
Who's Who in Star Trek brings together for the first time everybody who contributed to this Science Fiction phenomenon, the actors, writers, producers and directors -- not to mention the special effects designers -- who made Star Trek the greatest cult TV series of all time.
Includes the stars of the new TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background Information

  • This is a British book that was originally not published in North America. The April Publications version was, for all intents and purposes, a fanzine printing, while the Star version was a mass market paperback.
  • Each version of the book lists people involved with the show, sorted by surname, and lists their connection to the show. It also includes novelists and "high profile" fans. Both included a large number of black and white photos of the cast and crew.
  • Neither edition was licensed by Paramount, and as such both were "unauthorized" printings.
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