Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Ves Alkar

Ambassador Ves Alkar in 2369.

Ambassador Ves Alkar was a Lumerian representative for the Federation. In 2369 he was mediating a dispute in the Rekag star system. He used empathic powers to become the perfect mediator by keeping his mind clear by transferring his negative emotions to others. This transfer caused the victims to become mentally unstable and age rapidly. When his prime vessel Sev Maylor died, who he said was his mother, but was really a thirty year old woman, he turned to Deanna Troi who he used as his new receptacle to transfer his negative emotions to. When his actions were discovered by Troi's shipmates, Alkar displayed no remorse and justified his actions by pointing out the services he performed for others as a mediator. Dr. Crusher was able to cause a deathlike coma for Troi, which forced him to seek another person. He tried to use his aide Liva, but as he was transferring his negative energy, Captain Jean-Luc Picard beamed her away. Alkar was left with his own negative energy that overburdened him. He was unable to cope with the overload of emotions and aged rapidly and died in a few moments. (TNG: "Man of the People")

Ves Alkar was played by Chip Lucia.