Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

AT: "xx" This is a list of unnamed tools and technology.

Bajoran farming tools

Bajoran farming tools

Two Bajoran farming tools

These two Bajoran farming tools were used by Baltrim and Keena on Mullibok's cottage on the Bajoran moon Jerrado. In 2369 the two Bajorans also used these tools to menace Major Kira Nerys after she beamed down to the cottage. (DS9: "Progress")

Federation hole generator

In 2259 of the alternate reality, Leonard McCoy used a circular device to generate a hole in the transparent front boundary of the brig, so the prisoner, John Harrison, could put his arm out for a blood sample to be taken. The device could be moved around and replace the parts of the brig's surface which it had previously removed. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Federation journalist tools

Federation news service

Journalist headset and handheld unit

During the late 23rd century, reporters on location might sport certain tools of the trade. During the launch of the USS Enterprise-B in 2293, a number of journalists were present, some with elaborate headsets which hovered around people. Others had tricorder-like handheld devices which they pointed at people talking as if it were a microphone. (Star Trek Generations)

A deleted scene from the movie mentioned that at the event Kirk was going to have to smile for the "holographic recorder"s, which may have been these tools.

Ferengi tooth tools

Ferengi tooth tools

Several Ferengi tooth tools

These tools were used by Grand Nagus Zek to clean his teeth after dinner in Rom's quarters aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369.

He asked the boy to bring them to him and took one of these tools. (DS9: "The Nagus")

See also
