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See Kobayashi Maru (disambiguation) for related links.
Kobayashi Maru data

Kobayashi Maru data

The USS Kobayashi Maru was a Class 3 neutronic fuel carrier and a component of the Kobayashi Maru simulation, a no-win-scenario at the Starfleet Academy.

The home port of the vessel was Amber, Tau Ceti IV. The ship's master was Kojiro Vance.

According to the scenario, the Kobayashi Maru was located in Gamma Hydra, section ten, nineteen periods out of Altair VI. The vessel had struck a gravitic mine, and its hull was breached. The ship had lost all power, life support was failing and its crew had sustained many casualties. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

The term "kobayashi maru" was used by Leonard McCoy when imprisoned in the Rura Penthe dilithium mines in 2293. He commented to James T. Kirk in their first night there, "One day, one night... Kobayashi Maru," making a throat-slash motion before Kobayashi Maru, to suggest they weren't going to last another day. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)



John Eaves and Alex Jaeger designed the Kobayashi Maru, for Star Trek. They based the design on Roger Sorensen's blueprints from 1983 [1] and the image on the cover of the novel The Kobayashi Maru.[2]


  • Star Trek: Star Charts lists the year the real SS Kobayashi Maru was lost as 2245.
  • The Pocket ENT novel Kobayashi Maru details the historical events which became the Academy simulation.
  • The novel The Kobayashi Maru, written by Julia Ecklar, details the Kobayashi Maru tests taken by Kirk, Chekov, Scotty and Sulu during their respective enrollments at Starfleet Academy.
  • In David Mack's novel A Time to Heal, Ensign Carmona identifies the Kobayashi Maru as having been lost in the Tezel-Oroko system, the location of the planet Tezwa, where most of this book occurs.
  • Peter Kirk becomes the 2nd Kirk to beat the no-win scenario in A.C. Crispin's Sarek (novel), although doing so in a matter more in keeping with the rules.

External link

  • Template:NCwiki