Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Thought maker

Thought maker

Thought maker display

The thought maker in use

A thought maker was a device designed to control the neural activity or "brainwash" the humanoid brain, making the subject highly susceptible to suggestion. It was illegal to use or even possess one of these devices within the Ferengi Alliance.

In 2364, Ferengi DaiMon Bok used a thought maker on Jean-Luc Picard in an attempt at revenge for killing his son years before. Bok made Picard believe that he was again captain of the USS Stargazer, and that the USS Enterprise-D was an attacking enemy vessel. He had purchased the thought maker from a world not yet discovered by Humans, and it cost him the profits of a lifetime in order to acquire two. (TNG: "The Battle")

In the Intelligence Gathering: "Matters of the Mind" comic book, a thought maker was used to control Deanna Troi, Dr. Crusher, and Ro Laren by Romulans in order to try to direct the Enterprise-D to a new destination.

See also
