Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Subspace interference occurs when one object dealing with subspace interferes with another. Q is known to be fond of causing such interference aboard the Enterprise. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

During a conversation with the Bajoran Sirco Ch'Ano, Nog scrambled the subspace transmission by using an engineering tool so visual communication was impossible. Sirco believed that a subspace interference affected the signal. (DS9: "Progress")

In 2371, Kira Nerys claimed "subspace interference" had garbled a message from Admiral Toddman, who had ordered the USS Defiant not to rescue Odo and Elim Garak in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")

Subspace interference garbled a message from Kira to the Defiant in 2374, when Worf and the crew were searching for Benjamin Sisko. (DS9: "Waltz")

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