Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)

Issue 139 (US issue #12) of Star Trek Magazine is the July/August 2008 issue.


Ahead Fear Factor 10!
Paul Simpson on J.J. Abrams' comments at the Cloverfield DVD launch.
Hailing Frequencies
Interview – Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman – "Resetting the Future"
Interviewer Paul Simpson (uncredited)
Diane Carey and Diane Duane on Best Destiny, Spock's World, and Trek novels in general.
Artificial intelligence, automated space vehicles, virtual reality, biomolecular computing.
Crossing the Edge of... Forever
Features on time travel.
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Michael A. Martin looks at the development of time travel as a plot point in the Star Trek series and movies.
Ian Spelling talks to Jerry Hardin.
Star Trek's Top Ten Ways To Time Travel
Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore look at the most popular time travel methods.
Both features continue through the next three items.
Interview – LeVar Burton – "Burton of Responsibility"
by Nick Joy.
Double-sided, one side featuring Damron, the other the HMS Bounty crash-landing in San Francisco Bay.
Lost and Found
Special edition of the "A Fistful of Data" section. Larry Nemecek provides images of the "frozen" Voyager sets from "Timeless".
The filming dates are accidentally given as being in 1999, rather than 1998.
Wrap It Up!
Paul Simpson speaks to Colin Warde, project manager for the It's A Wrap! sale and auction.
Memory Alpha receives a mention as a reference source used.
Book extract
Star Trek: Myriad UniversesEchoes and Refractions: "The Chimes At Midnight".
Cover images for Greater than the Sum, Kobayashi Maru, Wounds, Infinity's Prism, Echoes and Refractions, and Fearful Symmetry.
Day of the Vipers, Year Four TPB; "Alien Spotlight: Romulans", "Turnaround, Part II, "A Matter of Dates", "Chasing Shadows", "Enterprise Experiment, Part 1"; Star Trek: Conquest; release schedule.
A Fistful of Data
Jonathan Archer based on Chuck Yeager?, rescuing Magnus Hansen in "Dark Frontier"?, Taurik and Vorik.
Larry Nemecek on the origins of Star Trek fandom.
Issue 138 Star Trek Magazine
Issue 139 – July/August 2008
Issue 140