Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
You may also be looking for the DS9 episode "The Ship".
Sailing ship firing, In a Mirror, Darkly

A sailing ship firing

File:Boat in San Francisco, Shadows of PJem.jpg

A ship in San Francisco.

A ship or vessel, in traditional terminology, refers to any seagoing vessel. As mankind took to flight, the term was also applied to airships.

On Earth, ships were the primary tools of the US Navy and Royal Navy, spanning several centuries. Seagoing ships would continue to be used in a similar capacity by the Federation Naval Patrol well into the 24th century. (VOY: "Thirty Days")

Rishon Uxbridge first met Kevin Uxbridge on a ship at sea when she was traveling with her parents. (TNG: "The Survivors")

Once mankind began travelling the stars, the specialized ships they used were known as starships. Still, the term ship was commonly applied to these craft as well.

In 2151, the starship Enterprise encountered the Akaali, a civilization which utilized a type of ship known as a clipper ship. (ENT: "Civilization")

In 2293, Montgomery Scott bought a boat in anticipation of his retirement. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Types of ships/boats

List of ships

  • Kumari