Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The ship's store was a location aboard Federation starships set aside for items usually not carried in the cargo bays. Such items included apparel, tools, and samples of compounds. On a Galaxy class starship, ship's stores were located on deck four.

In early 2364, Lieutenant Natasha Yar went to ship's stores for sexy sleepwear. She was later seen in this sleepwear when seducing Lieutenant Commander Data. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

Later that year, Lore retrieved a macrotool and samples of quadratanium from the Enterprise store. With his possessions, Lore knocked out his 'brother' Data with a combination of champagne and quadratanium, and repaired his face with the macrotool. He turned the tool on Data causing damage to his face. (TNG: "Datalore")

A ship's store was also located on the Promenade of Deep Space Nine. This store specialized in selling and repairing starship components. During the Occupation of Bajor, it was the site of the chemist's shop. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")

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