Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Robert L. Comsol was a male Starfleet flag officer in the 23rd century. He was a commanding officer at Starfleet Command.

Following the 2254 visit of the USS Enterprise to the planet Talos IV, under Captain Christopher Pike, he was the primary officer involved in issuing Starfleet General Order 7, as evidenced by his signing off on the document.

Comsol later sent an message to the Enterprise in 2267 that was relayed by Lieutenant Uhura, and was read as follows:

"Commodore Mendez. Urgent. Subspace monitors show Enterprise receiving transmissions from Planet Talos IV, in violation of Starfleet General Orders. Captain Kirk is hereby relieved. You are ordered to assume command of the Enterprise. Disable vessel if necessary to prevent further contact." (Signed Comsol, Starfleet Command)

Spock argued with Mendez that Comsol's order to relieve Kirk, despite Kirk knowing nothing of the Talos connect, Mendez reminded Spock that as long as Kirk commanded the Enterprise, he was responsible for everything that happens aboard his ship. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

Comsol's name is the sole signature on the copy of General Order 7, read by Captain Kirk.
The Star Trek Concordance [page number?edit] assumed that "Comsol" meant "Command, Solar Forces", apparently not aware that the aforementioned General Order was signed by the same individual.

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