Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A recursive algorithm is in essence an algorithm which calls itself over and over again, eventually terminating when a end condition is met.

In 'C', this example of of recursive factorial function (algorithm):

int Factorial(n) { if (n == 1)



If you examine this short code block, you can see how it functions. For example, if the Italic textfunctionItalic text Bold textfactorialBold text with n=3, it runs like this:

1)Bold textFactorialBold text(3) function called

2)Italic textElseItalic text branch is taken

3)Return value of Bold textFactorialBold text, this time with argument of n=2

4)In new function call, else branch is chosen again

5)Return value of Bold textFactorialBold text with arg n=1

6)New functional call of Bold textFactorialBold text terminates on Italic textifItalic text statement, and returns value of 1

7)Next function return yields 2 * 1

8)Last function return yields 3 * 2 * 1, and terminates with a value of 6.

The computer running this sequence uses what is known as a Bold textstackBold text to hold these function calls with their associated values until each is resolved in reverse order. These wait in line to be resolved one at a time.

Bold textFactorial(1) Factorial(2) Factorial(3)Bold text

Recursive algorithms are used for many purposes. They can be used to clear an overload of a holograms interactive matrix, or used to retrieve missing data from a log. (ENT: "Affliction"; VOY: "Nothing Human", "Warhead", "Renaissance Man")

Most Cardassian access codes are based on a recursive encryption algorithm. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")

See also

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