Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Phylos is a planet in or near Federation space, discovered by the Federation around 2269 on the edge of the galaxy. In that year, the first Federation ship was sent to investigate the planet – the USS Enterprise, commanded by Captain James T. Kirk.

Phylos is a unique planet in that it has developed several species of mobile plant life. One of these species, known as the Phylosians, is sentient. The Phylosians built a vast civilization on Phylos, before they were nearly wiped out by an alien disease. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan")

Native plant species

Notable residents


File:Star-chart alpha-beta quadrant.jpg

Alpha and Beta Quadrant star chart which depicts Phylos

Phylos was mentioned as a small note on a very large star chart graphic created for TNG: "Conspiracy". It was the image behind the chair in the room where Dexter Remmick was killed. It appears to be located within an outlined block, which may indicate that it was surrounded or was even a part of Federation territory at the time.
