Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Micrometeoroid shower

A moving micrometeoroid field in the Delta Quadrant

USS Voyager hit by micrometeoroids

Voyager encounters the field

A micrometeoroid was a small meteoroid-like fragment floating through space. Micrometeoroids posed a hazard to spacecraft, causing damage to the hull of a ship due to the impact of the rock particles against the hull at very high velocity. To avoid such damage, a ship must be equipped with some type of deflector shielding to prevent the rock particles from hitting the hull. The remains of a micrometeoroid found after it landed was called a micrometeorite.

In 2152, Malcolm Reed believed that micrometeorite impacts had probably pockmarked the surface of a Romulan mine. (ENT: "Minefield")

In 2374, the USS Voyager encountered a moving micrometeoroid field in an alternate timeline in the Delta Quadrant. Voyager's outer hull, already severely damaged from incessant attacks by Krenim warships, was damaged even further by the field. Captain Janeway managed to manually get the ship's shields online to protect it, at the cost of third-degree burns to herself. This timeline was later negated by Janeway, preventing Voyager's encounter with the micrometeoroid storm. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II")

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