Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Metaphasic shield LCARS

A graphic of a metaphasic shield

Metaphasic shielding is a technology invented by Dr. Reyga, a Ferengi scientist, in 2369. It is capable of withstanding the pressure, radiation and energy of a star's corona. The technology was installed on the shuttlecraft Justman, but Reyga was murdered by Takaran scientist Jo'Bril shortly before the shields were proven. Subsequently, Dr. Beverly Crusher successfully demonstrated the shield's effectiveness by piloting the Justman into the corona of the star Veytan. (TNG: "Suspicions")

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge developed the technology further for use on the USS Enterprise-D in 2370. These modifications allowed the Enterprise-D to lure a Rogue Borg ship into a star's corona and destroy it with a solar flare. (TNG: "Descent, Part II")

The Enterprise also hid in a star's corona during their previous encounter with the Borg, in "I, Borg." How Reyga's technology was novel or different is unclear. Coincidently, James Horan played Dr. Jo'Bril in "Suspicions," and also Lieutenant Barnaby in "Descent, Part II."