Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A schematic of a lambda field generator

A lambda field generator was a piece of low frequency equipment used in conjunction with a Krieger wave converter to produce Krieger waves. These generators were available from Starfleet Materiel Supply Command, and operational specifications on these generators were provided by the Starfleet material supply command database.

Doctor Nel Apgar used a 23 megawatt low frequency lambda field generator for his experiments with Krieger waves. The generator (located on the surface of Tanuga IV) produced harmless lambda field energy pulses that were reflected by the converter on Dr. Apgar's space station in orbit of the planet. The generator was placed on the planet's surface as it required a minimum of five thousand kilometers for the field to produce parallel rays of light. The generator inadvertently caused the facsimile of a Krieger wave converter created on the holodeck of the USS Enterprise-D to produce Krieger waves, resulting in radiation bursts on the ship. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")


(Diagram A)

  • Duotronic transtator matrix with isolinear Kreitzman junction box
  • Field sensor points with thermal equalizing emitters and nonintegral Barredo stabilizers. High frequency Lichfield input servos with parametric Molnar coils and quantum multitronic pulse counters. Dante particle lepton compensated accelerometer for null subspace compression.
  • Legato fringe core.
  • Isolinear Hutzel field oscillation servo

(Diagram B)

  • Primary isotanium grid with integral duotronic Payne matrix and secondary loop
  • Graf emission plate (12)
  • Bruno coils (3)
  • Lee resonance gap, rated for at least 120 mw/second under normal Greenburg pressures
  • Cryogenic helium supply spheres for Garza subspace core

See also
