Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Viterian, a Kobheerian male.

The Kobheerians were a neutral, space faring humanoid race.

Kobheerians females have a lighter shade of skin, and hair, unlike males. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae") Kobheerians also share an unusual resemblance to the Dopterian species; there appearance is almost identical, however Kobheerians have two large, elongated flat nostrils in the place of a nose, whereas Dopterians have Ferengi like noses.

As it has been established that the Dopterians and the Ferengi are related, it is highly likely that the Kobheerians share the same common ancestry, in much the same way Vulcanoid species are related. Exactly how these genes were distributed remains unknown.

The Kobheerian freighter, Rak-Miunis, docked at Deep Space 9 in 2369. (DS9: "Duet") Kobheerian vessels were also allowed to travel somewhat freely in Cardassian space, however, not without the occasional search. (DS9: "Second Skin")



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