Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Miles O'Brien, 2369

An Irishman.

The term Irish refers to anything originating from the nation-state of Ireland, including its people, as well as the Irish language.

The shilling was an Irish coin during the 19th century, and remained in use until 1971. An important festivity was Saint Patrick's Day. (VOY: "Fair Haven")

Jean-Luc Picard carried a copy of the Irish novel Ulysses with him to Risa. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday")

The Bringloidi were colonists of Irish descent. When their leader, Danilo Odell, was introduced to the Enterprise's transporter chief Miles O'Brien, the pair greeted each other as fellow Irishmen. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

In 2365, a hologram representing a comic mentioned an Irish person in one of his jokes. (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")

The joke was told at a moment when Data had ordered the computer to speed up the comic's routine, and can only be heard by slowing the playback of the DVD. The joke was not in the original script, which simply states that the comic is to speak at a ridiculously fast pace.

An Irish couple was among the survivors of the "The 37's", found by the crew of the Voyager in 2371. (VOY: "The 37's")

Irish culture[]



Fictional characters[]

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