Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of inhabitants of Mariposa, also known as "Mariposans". These individuals made up the Mariposa colony, made up of the surviving crew of the SS Mariposa, consisting of two females and three males.



Bringloidi []

These former Bringloidi colonists were descendants of passengers from the SS Mariposa who originally colonized Bringloid V.

In 2365, they were beamed aboard the USS Enterprise-D after their planet was threatened with major solar flare activity, threatening the viability of the planet and their colony.

The first people including Danilo Odell were beamed into the transporter room by transporter chief Miles O'Brien. When Captain Picard saw that they took their animals with them he ordered O'Brien to beam the other colonists directly into the Enterprise's cargo bay 7. In the cargo bay they tried to cook a meal and cared for their animals beside playing music and having a drink together. Finally they settled down on Mariposa and helped building a new colony with the Mariposan clones. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

Among the unidentified actors are John Meuer, Yvonne Clark, Kim Clark, Jean Rose, Lynda Rose, Shannon Carpenter, Meg McCormick, Fred Janos, and Ken Blanton.

Elizabeth Vallis clone []

Elizabeth Vallis clone

A clone of Elizabeth Vallis

This clone of Elizabeth Vallis was standing at a desk in the entrance of the building which was housing the office of Prime minister Wilson Granger. She watched the newly arrived away team from the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

This clone was like Elizabeth Vallis portrayed by an unknown actress.

Quadruplets []

When Commander William T. Riker and Lt. Worf beamed down to the Mariposa colony they saw three of these clones working on a computer. While gazing at them the fourth clone passed the two Starfleet officers. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

Triplets []

These three male clones were part of the Mariposan colony in 2365. One of them was scanned by Doctor Katherine Pulaski in the hallway. Pulaski revealed that the colony consists of clones who suffered from replicative fading. Like Pulaski and Riker, Captain Jean-Luc Picard refused to spend his DNA to refresh the cloning process. Two of these triplets later abducted Doctor Pulaski and Commander Riker from the office of Wilson Granger while the third stood guard outside.

When Pulaski discovered that the Mariposans stole Riker's and her DNA without their knowledge an away team of the USS Enterprise-D beamed directly into the cloning laboratory and destroyed their clones with a phaser. Wilson Granger entered the laboratory followed by all of these three clones. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

Twins []

These two male clones stunned Commander Riker and Doctor Pulaski in the office of Wilson Granger after they refused to give their DNA to the Mariposans. They later extracted the DNA in the cloning laboratory in order to create a Katherine Pulaski and William T. Riker clone. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")
