Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Fala, as he appeared to Colonel Kira before he had her transported to Empok Nor.

You may also be looking for Trentin Fala, a Bajoran woman who passed information to the Shakaar Resistance cell during the Occupation.

Vedek Fala was a Bajoran religious teacher during the Occupation of Bajor. A young Kira Nerys was one of his students.

During the closing days of the Occupation, Fala lost faith in the Prophets and became a follower of the Pah-wraiths and joined the cult that worshipped them.

In 2375, he traveled to Deep Space 9 and met with Kira Nerys. He kidnapped her and transported her to Empok Nor, where the cult resided, under the leadership of Dukat. Fala attempted to convince Kira that the Prophets had abandoned their people. He wanted Kira to join the cult, ensuring her that Dukat was a changed man, but Kira would not hear of it.

Fearing that his leadership would soon be put into question and the members would revolt against him, Dukat planned a mass suicide of the cult, but was not going to commit suicide himself. When Kira exposed his plot, Fala became disillusioned and carried out his own suicide. (DS9: "Covenant")

Fala was played by actor Norman Parker.