Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A female Fabrini

Fabrini old man

A male Fabrini

The Fabrini are a species of humanoids from the planet Fabrina. Ages ago, they determined that their home sun would enter a nova phase. To ensure their survival, they constructed the worldship Yonada and sent survivors on a predetermined course for a colony planet.

In 2269, the USS Enterprise intercepted Yonada and found it on a collision course with the populated planet Daran V. The crew of the Enterprise were able to correct the navigational error and get the worldship back on its original course.

The Fabrini had sophisticated medical knowledge. For example, they possessed the cure for xenopolycythemia, a disease for which, in the mid-23rd century, the Federation had no cure. (TOS: "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky")

List of Fabrini

  • See: List of Fabrini


In The Lost Years, a novel by J.M. Dillard, Dr. McCoy spent the years between the end of Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Motion Picture researching the medical knowledge of the Fabrini.
