Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Regent Cuzar in 2375

The Evora are a race of small stature, with a population of three hundred million. They achieved warp drive in 2374.

A year later, they were made a United Federation of Planets protectorate, since the Federation had to compensate its losses from the Battle of Sector 001 and the Dominion War. Subsequently, their reception was held aboard the USS Enterprise-E, where Regent Cuzar represented the Evora and was welcomed by Captain Jean-Luc Picard with the Evoran greeting "Yew-cheen chef-faw" which was later followed by a traditional dance.

It was discovered that the Evora are fond of eating flowers, and enjoyed chrysanthemums from their banquet centerpieces. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

Later that year, an Evora was aboard Deep Space 9 shortly after the signing of the treaty that ended the Dominion War. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

