Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Einstein was a Federation type 7 shuttlecraft that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to the USS Enterprise-D in the 2360s. It was shuttlecraft number 02.

In 2365, Wesley Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard traveled to Starbase 515 from the Enterprise-D, with the Einstein. The trip lasted six hours as they were not using warp drive. It reminded Picard of the late-22nd century interplanetary journeys he had read of in history books. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare")

Early in the next year the Einstein was listed on the shuttlebay operations display as being available for use in Hangar 3. (TNG: "Evolution", okudagram)

In 2367, while trying to survive on Lambda Paz, Wesley asked Picard if he remembered the trip they took on this shuttlecraft to Starbase 515. Wesley felt that Picard had opened up to him and, in the process, he had come to know more about the captain. (TNG: "Final Mission")

Stock footage of the shuttle Sakharov was used to represent the Einstein's journey to Starbase 515 in "Samaritan Snare". This was corrected in the Blu Ray release.