Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For other uses of Cousteau, see Cousteau.

The Cousteau was a Type-15 shuttlepod attached to the USS Aries.

In 2367, former USS Victory crew member Emilita Mendez, while serving aboard the Aries, came under the effects of an exotic virus from Tarchannen III. Mendez stole the shuttlepod Cousteau from the Aries to return to Tarchannen III. A search team from the USS Enterprise-D found the shuttle, but the only traces of Emilita Mendez were some exotic foot prints. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

The shuttlepod was named for the French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. Its identification number was difficult to make out in the foggy atmosphere of Tarchannen III, but it could be 10 or 20.

