Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
New York cheesecake

A slice of New York cheesecake

Cheesecake is a popular Earth dessert made of creamcheese in the form of a cake.

Carnegie style cheesecake is a variety occasionally served aboard Enterprise in the early 2150s. (ENT: "Singularity")

A particularly popular variety is called New York cheesecake. In 2377, when the Doctor temporarily inhabited Seven of Nine's body during an altercation with the Lokirrim, he decided to show Captain Ranek how the replicator worked by replicating a slice "New York Cheesecake." So cheesecake became the first thing the Doctor actually experienced "eating," and when Ranek found his reaction (in Seven's body) curious (as he was enjoying himself so much) he asked if he'd eaten it before, and tried a piece himself. (VOY: "Body and Soul")

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