Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Political regions[]

I was thinking something like Category:Political regions for all political regions, including nations, states, provinces and districts (anything that doesn't fall under :Category:Cities or Category:Regions) that can further be subcategorized into those specifically referenced on Earth. --Alan del Beccio 05:36, 8 Oct 2005 (UTC)

  • Support, although I'm not sure if "political regions" is really the best name for it. Then again, I can't think of anything better, so maybe it is the best name for it. :-P --From Andoria with Love 19:36, 8 Oct 2005 (UTC)
  • Support --FuturamaGuy 22:15, 3 Nov 2005 (UTC)

"Subnational entities " would appear to be more appropriate, subbed with "Earth subnational entites". --Alan del Beccio 20:22, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
