Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Boston was a city in Massachusetts.

In a cut line from "Time's Arrow, Part II", Guinan claimed to be from "a renowned Boston family" when visiting 19th century Earth.

Boston was home to the baseball team known as the Red Sox in the 20th and 21st centuries. (DS9: "For the Cause")

Clare Raymond family tree, remastered 02

Boston on the Raymond family tree

In 2027, Charles W. Raymond, the son of Jonathan F. Raymond and Marina S. Despina, was born in this city. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

This information came from the remastered Clare Raymond family tree. Charles W. Raymond was named after Charles Winchester, a character from the dramedy M*A*S*H. This character was from Boston.

In 2376, Commander Peter Harkins' wife Angie had a sister from Boston that was visiting San Francisco; Harkins suggested to coworker Lieutenant Reginald Barclay that he may like to meet her. (VOY: "Pathfinder")


In Dangerous Ground, Doctor John Rawley left Fairbridge, Berkshire County, to attend a state medical convention in Boston. After the convention ended, the doctor returned to Fairbridge. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

The pages seen in the episode were from the mystery novel, Dangerous Groud, by author Frances Sil Wickware. This novel was published in 1946. Information on Boston was from page 72.

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