Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A blockade is a fleet maneuver intended to disrupt enemy movements, specifically supplies.

One of Finn's demands was a Federation blockade around Rutia IV. (TNG: "The High Ground")

During the Klingon Civil War, Captain Picard implemented a blockade of the Klingon-Romulan border, to prevent Romulan supplies from reinforcing the Duras-led faction. A tachyon detection grid was used to overcome the Romulan starships cloaking devices. The USS Endeavour, USS Akagi, USS Tian An Men, USS Hermes, USS Hood, USS Hornet, USS Excalibur and USS Sutherland (as well as an unidentified Constellation class vessel) took part in this blockade. (TNG: "Redemption II")

In 2375, Colonel Kira Nerys established a blockade around Derna, to stop the Romulan Star Empire from bringing its plasma torpedoes launchers on the Bajoran moon online. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")

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