Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Babel Conference was a Federation diplomatic conference held in 2267 on the neutral planet code named "Babel". In all, 114 delegates, 32 of whom were ambassadors, attended the conference, representing planets including Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, and Andoria. (TOS: "Journey to Babel")

The immediate intention of the conference was to finalize the admittance of Coridan into the United Federation of Planets. Despite several minor quarrels, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan, who spoke in favor of Coridan's admittance, cast the final vote. (TNG: "Sarek")

Babel Resolutions

The Babel Conference of stardate 3850.3 also administered a number of new Federation resolutions towards maintaining peace throughout the region. These were made in direct response to the Orion's in the events that preceding the conference. One such resolution, Babel Resolution A-12, was made in response against acts of piracy. It stated, "the first ship encountered by a pursuing Federation vessel must submit to a search on request".

Additionally, the legitimacy of the Orion's neutrality was put to question, following the discovery of their attacks on the USS Enterprise and illegal dilithium raids on Coridan. No judgment was made on the matter, however, Orions neutrality would remain in dispute through 2270. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
