Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Name: Argon
Symbol: Ar
Atomic number: 18

Argon is a chemical element, number 18 on the periodic table. Argon is colorless, odorless and inert, is present to a small extent in many atmospheres, and is obtained as a byproduct from the liquefaction and separation of air.

In 2267, the Galileo crash-landed on Taurus II, near the Murasaki 312. The crew found the atmosphere breathable, an oxygen-nitrogen mixture, with traces of argon, neon, and krypton, not dissimilar to that of Earth. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

Larger quantaties of argon are found in atmospheres of Class L planets such as Indri VIII and Class H planets or moons (TNG: "The Chase", VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

The Azure Nebula near Klingon space is a class 11 nebula comprisede primarily of oxygen/argon, with other compounds. (VOY: "Flashback")

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