Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Cover image
Authors: Christopher L. Bennet, Randall N. Bills, Loren L. Coleman, Robert Greenberger, Andy Mangels Michael A. Martin and Aaron Rosenberg
Illustrator: Mark Gerber
Publisher: Pocket Books
Series: Pocket SCE Collection #8
Published: 21 November 2006
Pages: 640
Year: 2376
Stardate: 53851.9
Reference #: ISBN 1416525769

The crew of the da Vinci return to duty after repairs are completed and must get used to their new arrogant Tellarite second officer.


From the book jacket
Having recovered from the catastrophic events of Wildfire, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team of the U.S.S. da Vinci meets its new second officer: Mor glasch Tev, an arrogant Tellarite who's the best there is - and he knows it.
Even as Captain Gold and Commander Gomez get used to their acerbic new officer, the S.C.E. team faces crises in its own solar system. A strange vessel appears in the middle of San Francisco that the S.C.E. must deal with - aided by engineers extraordinaire Montgomery Scott and Miles O'Brien. Then they have to help the Venus terraforming team - a mission that brings Bynar computer expert Soloman to a difficult crossroads.
That's only the beginning of the challenges for the Corp as it faces a Ferengi with a time machine, a prison colony in a black hole - and a mission from the Dominion War that comes back to haunt the da Vinci crew in more ways than one....

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.



Aftermath eBook cover

"Aftermath" cover image

E-book #29 (July 2003, ISBN 0743470583)
by Christopher L. Bennett
On the eve of the da Vincis returning to space, an extra-dimensional being attacks San Francisco.

Ishtar Rising

Ishtar Rising, Part 1 - eBook cover

"Ishtar Rising, Book 1" cover image

E-book #30 (August 2003, ISBN 0743476050)
by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangeis

Book 1 of 2

While helping with a project to terraform Venus, Soloman must fight the prejudices of another pair of Bynar.

File:Ishtar Rising, Part 2 - eBook cover.JPG

"Ishtar Rising, Book 2" cover image

E-book #31 (September 2003, ISBN 0743476069)
by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangeis

Book 2 of 2

The lives of dozen of terraforming workers in danger, and Venus could tear itself apart. Soloman must find a way to fix the problem, and get past the prejudice of the other Bynar.

Buying Time

Buying Time - eBook cover

"Buying Time" cover image

E-book #32 (October 2003, ISBN 0743476085)
by Robert Greenberger

Collective Hindsight

Collective Hindsight, Book 1 - eBook cover

"Collective Hindsight, Book 1" cover image

E-book #33 (November 2003, ISBN 074348083X)
by Aaron Rosenberg

Book One

Collective Hindsight, Book 2 - eBook cover

"Collective Hindsight, Book 2" cover image

E-book #34 (December 2003, ISBN 0743480848)
by Aaron Rosenberg

Book Two


The Demons (Books 1 and 2)

E-book #35 (February 2003, ISBN ?)

E-book #36 (February 2003, ISBN ?)

Memorable Quotes

"You make it sound so easy,... but then, what would you know about it? Someone on the Enterprise crew died, they always managed to come back to life. Hell, you were resurrected twice! What, did you guys do the grim reaper a favor or something?"

- Stevens, blowing up at Scotty, while discussing deceased crewmate Duffy

"The first duty of any [Starfleet] prisoner is to escape."

"I thought our first duty was to the truth?"
"And we truly need an escape plan."
- Commander Tev and Stevens discuss a means to escape


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Background Information

  • Starting with this novel, the SCE books have had their cover name changed from "Star Trek: S.C.E. Starfleet Corps of Engineers" to just "Star Trek: Corps of Engineers."
  • With three 2-part eBook stories, two normal-sized stories on top of that, and 640 pages, Aftermath is the longest SCE novel to date. The next longest is Book 2: Miracle Workers, which was only 444 pages long.

Previous collection:
#7: "Breakdowns"
Pocket SCE
Next collection:
#9: "Grand Designs"